CHATSWORTH, CA — (03-20-20) — The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) released an update on Friday pertaining to the industry-wide production hold in place that they have been unable to reach two talents who must resubmit for testing under PASS protocol. This is the only way FSC can lift the hold.

“The mandatory production hold announced on Wednesday, March 17, is still in effect. We do not believe there are any active cases of syphilis or HIV in the talent community, but need to clear all talent who recently tested with THL before we can lift the hold.

So far, everyone who has retested has been cleared. A few others are testing today and Monday.

However, there are still two performers who have not responded to us or rescheduled retests. One has an active test in PASS, the other does not. The sooner we can reach and retest these people, the sooner we can lift the hold.

If you tested with Talent Health Labs (THL), please read the criteria below to see if you might be one of the people we need to speak to.

• If you tested with THL in the beginning of February but have not yet tested at another PASS-certified lab

• If you tested with THL in March

Please email us at [email protected] if you believe you are one of these people.”

Article by: Keith Witchka, Staff Writer

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