GARDEN CITY, N.Y. — (06-26-24) — Retailers get ready to generate a new purchase order for the new addition to the Anal Adventures Matrix series, the Cosmos Plug Kit. According to Blush, the Cosmos Kit features three plugs in progressive sizes!

The largest plug includes Blush’s vibration technology, offering seven modes, all controlled hands-free with a wireless remote. Blush’s StayPut design and AnchorTech base ensure a secure, comfortable fit for everyone, preventing over-insertion—a common issue with conventional anal products.

Retailers, make sure that your sales associates know that the ‘Cosmos Plug Kit’ is all about making your exploration fun, safe and top-notch. Whether you’re just starting out or are an anal play enthusiast, this kit has something special for users!

For more information, log into your account at!

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Adult store merchants can get ordering information by contacting an authorized distributor of Blush:

East Coast News (ecn) Toll-Free at 1-800-999-2483 | 1-609-426-4451 fax |  EMAIL  | Facebook  | Instagram  | X

Eldorado Toll-Free at 1+800-525-0848 | International Calls: 1+303-444-4622 | B2B Site | Elevate-U  | EMAIL  | Facebook  | X  | YouTube

Williams Trading Co., Toll Free  at 1-800-423-8587  |  International Calls: 1-856-662-3344  |  EMAIL  |  Facebook  |  X  | YouTube.

Article by: Andy Powell, Staff Writer

Follow @JRLCHARTS Daily on X

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