NIGERIA — (10-24-23) — Security forces arrested 76 Nigerians on Saturday on charges of organizing a gay wedding in north-east Nigeria, where same-sex marriage is criminalized and often met with violence. Nigeria passed its anti-gay marriage bill in 2014, which made homosexuality punishable with a penalty of 14 years in prison. Even with sanctions being levied against the country the EU and the USA, Nigerian remains defiant.

“We apprehended 76 suspected homosexuals at a birthday party organised by one of them who was due to marry his fiancé at the event,” said Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) spokesperson Buhari Saad, a paramilitary organisation under the government.

According to authorities, they arrested 59 men and 17 women. Lawyers for the arrestees did not return a call for comment from JRL CHARTS LGBT Politics.

The raid conducted by Nigerian authorities is nothing new. Over the past few years, security forces have raided parties where they suspect same-sex weddings or gay gatherings are being performed.

Back in August, security forces arrested over one hundred men in at private parties in south-east Nigeria. Amnesty International has called the security forces of Nigeria men on a “witch-hunt”.

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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