NEW YORK, NY – (10-25-18) – Donald Trump and his administration, are not satisfied with trying to eliminate transgender people in the United States. Why you ask – Because the Trump administration is now lobbying delegates at the United Nations to do the same.
During recent meetings of the United Nation’s Third Committee, the U.S. delegation has been urging that certain documents be rewritten to remove references to any kind of gender other than male and female.
The United Nation’s Third Committee’s mission handles “Cultural, humanitarian and Social” matters worldwide. U.S. diplomats have proposed that it cite “violence against women” rather than “gender-based violence.”.
According to members of the Third Committee, U.S. delegates had no problem showing their opposition to using the word “gender”. The Trump delegates say that it reflects an ‘ideology’ of treating gender as an individual choice rather than an unchangeable biological fact”.
This is goes right along with the Trump administration’s continued assault on the LGBTQ community here in the USA. Their anti-LGBTQ ideology is whats behind a memo circulating among federal government agencies that would define gender as fixed at birth and dependent on the genitalia a person is born with. The memo ignores the fact that more than genitalia goes into determining gender. If the anti-LGBTQ memo is adopted as policy of the Trump administration, it would endanger anti-discrimination protections for transgender and intersex people. It would basically define them out of existence if the anti-LGBTQ Trump administration gets their way.
Several members of the United Nations Third Committee told The Guardian…“If you only say violence against women, it doesn’t really tell the whole story,” a senior U.N. diplomat told The Guardian. “We shouldn’t be going along with encouraging their society to be regressive. And if that means a blazing row in the Third Committee, I would have a blazing row in committee because I think some things are worth cherishing and worth hanging on to.”
We will continue to follow this story and should new developments happen, we will bring it to you.
Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer
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