By: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the eve of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, gay Republican activists gathered in the nation’s capital from Florida, Nevada and DC., to celebrate the transfer of power.
Founder of the Log Cabins Republican group, Robert Kabel, who supported Trump, spoke to the Washington Blade in D.C and told them that “We expect LGBT people will benefit from the incoming Trump administration on a wide range of issues.” said Kabel. He along with other pro-Trump supporters, state that they hope Trump does not repeal the LGBT supportive executive orders issued by President Obama.
Now in defense of our incoming president, Trump did say that he did not want to touch settled law in regards to gay marriage so let us hope that he continues with that train of thought. Today it was announced that Trump is also keeping on close to 80% of President Obama staff members so that is a good sign.
RELATED: Rex Tillerson Refuses to Say Gay Rights are Human Rights
“I’m very hopeful,” said Kabel. “If you go all the way back to 2004 when George W. Bush had proposed a constitutional amendment [to ban same-sex] marriage to today, where the Supreme Court has ruled and President-elect Trump has said that’s settled law, that’s an enormous change,” said Kabel.
Kabel further added that “I believe the Trump White House will be open to input from groups like Log Cabin Republicans.” said Kabel. He also states that the gay GOP group has met with several members of Trump’s transition team over the past few weeks. This reporter wonders why that wasn’t reported in the news if that is the case.
The president of the Log Cabin Republicans of Broward County, Fla., Gene Sides, said “I’m pleased with the people Trump has been appointing to high-level positions in his administration.” said Sides. “Trump appointees represent a “professional and demographic diversity” that would benefit his administration. Sides did not address however, the concerns raised by LGBT activists that many of Trump’s appointees have records opposing demeaning LGBT rights. Instead, Sides said “I am excited by the personnel choices being made by President-elect Trump and believe he is surrounding himself with team members who know how to make things happen,” Sides said. “Good luck to them!” said Sides.
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